"Visibility - You've got to find a way to let people know you’re there"
Nikki Giovanni (American Poet)
Exhibitions are a very good way to showcase your Product. And if you really want to do a good job of publicising you product at these exhibitions, you'll have to do it very diligently. Relying on the organisers of the exhibition, is not something that I would recommend, as they have a limited capacity and are more interested in making the whole event a success, rather than focusing on a few particular products. Although in some cases I have found some of the organizers to be very helpful.
Even if we talk about a small exhibition taking place, there will definitely be at least a minimum of 60-70 different companies showcasing their wares and plying their product to promote. So, how do you make your product stand out in all of this? Trust me it's not so easy, especially if the Exhibition has all your rivals and competitors right next to you. But I have a few suggestions and tips that will help you in making your product more visible in an exhibition.
Hi once again. I'm Kompal Bharadwaj, your very own Exhibition Expert and Consultant from DSIGNER STUDIO, The Best Exhibition Stall Fabricators and Interior Designers in our Beautiful Delhi and NCR. In this article I’m going to give you my suggestions and tips on how to make your Product visible at an Exhibition.
Work with the Organisers
I would say, not all, but a few of the organisers do actually help out in promoting your Product. Try to get in touch with their PR team and come to some sort of an arrangement to make your product stand out during the exhibition.
It could be in the form of a larger signage at the entrance of the hall, or a larger mention on the official publications. Visibility is the key in a crowded space. The more your product is visible, the more a visitor is likely to remember it and pay a visit to your Exhibition Booth.
Placement of your Booth
The most important thing to remember while deciding your Exhibition Booth placement is exactly that! Placement.
Keep in mind that a major part of your budget is usually allocated for this. And as such, just like in a real estate transaction, it’s all about the right location. Walk the floor and study the layout of all the booths to get a better idea and feel.
If it is one on those yearly exhibitions that you regularly attend, then try to reserve your space well ahead of time. And always keep in mind that bigger is not always better. Just because your competitor has a bigger area, does not mean you need to do the same. A booth which is well designed, well maintained, state of the art, technologically advanced and with a dedicated staff can do wonders.
Choose a position away from the main entrances of the exhibition hall. Entrances are usually crowded and chaotic, and as such it becomes difficult to have any kind of meaningful conversation with your visitors. In fact, I would recommend choosing a spot where the foot fall is high. Even if it’s in the back of the line, but having a spot next to where the only onsite restaurant is located, will guarantee a higher visibility.
Showcasing your Products
Effectiveness of your product display. That's what you need to achieve in your Exhibition Booth. How do you make it happen that it looks different from the others? What is it that will make your booth and in turn your Product stand out? Well, at Dsigner Studio, we pride ourselves in being the trend setters in designing Exhibition Stalls and with it have gained experience and knowledge on how Product showcasing can be done.
Play to your strength - I can understand you wanting to display all the products your business has to offer. But my recommendation would be to play to your strength. Instead of packing one of everything make a selection of your best-selling products, up and coming new products or key releases for a powerful impact. This way you don't end up with a clutter of everything and have your booth displaying your latest offering.
Displaying your Products - If possible, consider mounting your products on a standing display wall. Our experience has shown that this helps in saving space and keeps the product at an eye level for the visitors. Also having automated graphics, information displays mounted next to the product is recommended, as you can showcase the workings of the product and information about it.
Highlighting your Products - Always keep your product under the spotlight. This will draw attention to it and keep it in focus. There are a lot of options with regards to the types of lighting arrangements that can be used to enhance the visibility of your product.
Demonstration - If possible, have your team give a brief but effective demonstration of the product. I do understand that in certain cases a demonstration might not be possible. For this have a digital presentation ready in which your products functioning is displayed.
Having a demonstration, be it live or digital, will help your visitors get an insight into it and understand how your product works and its benefits.
If your product is a "Service", don’t think that you’re at a disadvantage. You can use graphics and VR to create an experience that will show your visitors what it is all about and why they should buy it from you.
Next Level Exhibition Booth
My suggestion, take your Exhibition Booth to the next level. Go all out in making it the best booth in the entire exhibition. You need to decide how important the particular exhibition is for your Product, and if so, be sure to make an impact.
Make a theme out of your Exhibition Booth. Create a theme for your booth, that revolves around your product. And set it up in a way that it showcases your product in the environment they are used. Use of props, lighting, VR, will all aid the visitors in better understanding of your products and its workings. Also cut out the age-old boring furniture. You can have your furniture custom made to also revolve around your product. In my previous Blog I have mentioned the benefits of having your booth converted into a Customer Experience Center, and this is what many companies are vying for now-a-days. The use of various new technologies, like AR (Augmented Reality) will not only enhance your booth, but also show the visitors of how your making use of technology into your marketing strategy.
At Dsigner Studio, we have incorporated next generation technologies into our workings, to create for you the most modern and hi-tech Exhibition Stands. We also understand the need to have it done tastefully and not look too over the top.
Staff Training
Visibility of your Product is one thing, but you also need a highly trained and motivated staff to explain the product. With a huge exhibition, the visitors will not have much time to spend on each and every booth. How you make the visitor stay for longer in your booth, firstly depends on your exhibition booth and secondly on how they are treated once inside.
Having a well-trained, motivated, pleasant looking friendly staff to explain your product properly in the least amount of time, is a huge advantage to have. You need to make sure that every visitor to your booth, is made aware of your Product in order to get maximum visibility.
Organize a Competition
Competitions can be a fun and a valuable feature to attract visitors to your exhibition booth. You need to make sure that it is interesting and challenging. A good idea is to hand out a leaflet detailing the competition at the entrance of the exhibition itself, with a mention of prizes being awarded to the winner, at your booth. These will keep the visitors motivated and not to mention thinking about your Product name through out.
Your prizes don't need to be something very extravagant or expensive, they just need to be associated with your Product. Also avoid as far as possible to have any kind of perishable items as a prize. This way your make sure that the prize will last longer and so will your name in the eyes of your visitors.
Handing out free souvenirs is the most popular form of advertising your Product. Most of the companies use this marketing tactic to build product visibility, because come on, who doesn’t love a free souvenir? A lot of companies think that a souvenir should be something flashy and fancy. But in most cases people like the opposite of that. The trick is to make sure that it is something useful to your visitor.
For example, a Ceramic Plate with your Product name and/or Logo name vs a Pen with the same. The pen will always be in the persons pocket, reminding him of your Product name and at the same time advertising it to others for free, unlike the ceramic plate which is just sitting in the kitchen.
Try to have your staff randomly move about the Exhibition hall and distribute these souvenirs to everyone. This will raise their curiosity and make them want to pay a visit to your Booth.
Be Prepared for any Eventuality
Some exhibitions may be a day or two, and some might last for more than that. You need to be prepared for every eventuality that might happen during this time. The most important thing to keep in mind is to keep your staff fresh and motivated. Try to have them on a rotation system, so that no one gets fatigued. With a state-of-the-art exhibition booth and equipped with the latest technology, you need to make sure that everything is in perfect working condition.
There will be a peak time and a slow time at every event. Utilize that time to evaluate your booth and make sure everything is in order. Keep a check on your products and your souvenirs. Also, make sure that you have had all your electronic and digital equipment’s checked and rechecked for any malfunctions. It’s better to do these checks now, rather than face any kind of embarrassment in front of your visitors.
A lot of factors come into play while organising your Exhibition Booth. You need to pre plan well in advance for the Exhibition and have a highly motivated front-end as well as a back-end team, to carry it out. The core purpose of the Exhibition is to make your Product more visible for the world to see.
Your product could range from Heavy Machinery to LED Bulbs, but to get Product Visibility in a limited time frame for a large audience solely depends on how you present it to them. And sometimes it might get hectic and you might start to get nervous, but you don’t need to.
At Dsigner Studio, we make sure that we bring your vision to life in the form of your Exhibition Booth. We have always made it a point to listen to our customer, understand their ideas, help them in improving and many a times even improvising on those ideas to get the best and most successful result possible. We, from time to time keep ourselves updated with the latest trends and technologies in this field, to make sure that our customers always get the very best service. Our strength lies in our team's diversity to successfully handle any given task with regards to your Exhibition Booth. From making it stand out, to making it into a hi-tech Customer Experience Centre, we do it all.
This is Kompal Bhardwaj signing off until I meet you soon with another interesting topic of discussion. Ciao.
"For any further advice or suggestions, please feel free to mail your queries to our Exhibition Expert & Consultant, Mr. Kompal Bhardwaj at KOMPAL@DSIGNERSTUDIO.COM and visit our website DSIGNER STUDIO for more details."