The recent onset of the COVID-19 a.k.a., Coronavirus has taught us all a multitude of lessons on how to keep ourselves and our surroundings hygienic and sanitized at all times. And this has got me thinking that what if we followed this regimen at all the public gatherings and events too, going forward, especially in all the exhibitions that would be conducted once this nationwide health crisis dies down.
Having been in this industry of exhibition stall designers for over two decades and running my own team of the best exhibition stand designers at Dsigner Studio in NCR and Delhi, I decided to share with you all the effective and uncomplicated hygiene plan for exhibition stalls that my team and I always provide for all our clients, so that everyone attending it can feel safe and at ease.
Exhibition stall hygiene is a primary factor, in my experience, in deciding the foot traffic of your stall, and plays a pivotal role in the sales as well as in managing the impressions of your brand and products.
Being an Exhibition Expert & Consultant with a rich experience in this field, and having dealt with creating niche and impressive residential and office interior designs in NCR and Delhi, I can assure you that the 5 step hygiene plan that I am about to share with you is foolproof, cost-effective, and will boost your foot traffic and sales too!
Without much ado, here it is, the 5-step foolproof, cost-effective, hygiene plan:
1. Begin With Personal Hygiene - As a person who has put up a stall in an exhibition it is important to remember that you are also a brand ambassador for your brand and products! Your customers will unconsciously or consciously pick up hints about your outward appearance to frame an impression about your brand and its products and services.
Therefore, note that you are always dressed in clean, formal attires; have well-combed hair and fresh face adorned with a natural smile at all times; and you shower daily to smell good too. Keep your hands well-manicured and clean at all times and avoid touching your customers or standing too close to them.
Speak to your customers by maintaining at least three feet of distance from them and ensure that you are not chewing anything in your mouth as you do that.
2. Disinfect At Regular Intervals - Have a sanitizer handy at all times and use it to disinfect your hands as well as the product you have just finished demonstrating. And repeat this process every time! Offer some to your customers as well so that they feel cared for too.
Disinfect the stands, kiosks, banners and other paraphernalia at regular intervals, depending on the influx of your foot traffic, by hiring someone to do this exclusively for you.
3. Your Exhibition Stall Is Not Your Eatery - Bringing food or drinks except a clean water bottle at your stall is a strict NO! This is applicable for the stall members as well as for the customers. Politely request them to refrain from bringing edibles into your stall. The smarter move would be to put up a small yet visible sign stating that there are no edibles allowed in and near your stall.
4. Bring In The Ancient Tradition Of Greetings - Avoid handshakes with your customers as much as possible. Our very own ancient tradition of hands folded into a Namaste, with a genuine smile goes a long way in greeting customers.
Although the handshake may seem extremely professional, it has the highest risk of spreading the maximum number of microbes and infection! So use it only when your hands are clean and you feel that the hands of the other party are clean too.
5. Have Clean Stall Interiors - Choose colors and props for your stall interiors that are in well-maintained conditions to give an appearance of extreme cleanliness. Avoid using too many props as it can get difficult to sanitize them frequently. Have only what is essential and avoid cluttering your stall space. Go in for an innovative stall design with minimalist items that can also be cost-effective for you.
Keep your stall space organized and neat at all times. Use pleasant smelling room sprays to make your stall smell fresh and clean. Have a pack of tissues handy for customers who might need to wipe their hands or faces to avoid soiling your stall items and have a proper means of waste disposal at your stall.
By now you would have realized how hygiene is essential even at your exhibition stalls and I hope that this 5 step hygiene plan will prove useful and effective for you! With that satisfaction of having helped you, this is Kompal Bhardwaj, your very own Exhibition Expert & Consultant signing off. Ciao!
"For any further advice or suggestions, please feel free to mail your queries to our Exhibition Expert & Consultant, Mr. Kompal Bhardwaj at and visit our website for more details.”